
Key Features and Pricing

2024 Pricing

    Best Offer
Capacity Planning Scheduling ComboCapacity Planning + Scheduling

Basic Access:

Planner Profile: 1

Supervisor Profile: 0

Viewer Profile: 5

Administrator Profile: 1

Number of Modeled Resources: 40

Basic Access:

Planner Profile: 1

Supervisor Profile: 3

Viewer Profile: 5

Administrator Profile: 1

Number of Modeled Resources: 40

Basic Access:

Planner Profile: 2

Supervisor Profile: 3

Viewer Profile: 10

Administrator Profile: 1

Number of Modeled Resources: 60

Core Features:


Core Features:


Core Features:


Advanced Features:

• Workload smoothing (JIT orASAP)

• Multi-plant scenarios

Advanced Features:

• Production cost optimization

Advanced Features:

• Includes all Capacity Planning and Scheduling features

Full User Support:


Full User Support:


Full User Support:


Monthly Fee:

$ 2,000

Monthly Fee:

$ 2,400

Monthly Fee:

$ 3,200

Additional Use: • Additional access for a planner: $400/month, including support.

• Additional access for any other user type: $50/month, including support.

• Additional resources to model: $50/month for every 10 additional resources.

Basic Features

  • Current raw material inventory tracking
  • Planned raw material procurement
  • Semi-finished product (or sub-assemblies)
  • inventory management
  • Labor constraints
  • Skills matrix
  • Complex routing options
  • Alternate or preferred resources and equipment choices
  • Planner-imposed or removed constraints

  • Running multiple simulations based on official plan copies
  • Introducing scenario orders for impact analysis
  • Simulations with KPI dashboard comparison


  • Multi-constraint algorithm
  • Time-driven delivery optimization

  • Importing data from ERP, MES, or other sources
  • Real-time plan updates reflecting factory progress
  • Syncrun facilitated data export


  • Secure cloud hosting and access
  • Software maintenance
  • Software updates/upgrades


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